sometimes i wonder if i should really be doing this--whether college life allows for time to spend on reviewing and enjoying the makeup products this world has to offer. here's the conclusion i came to: there is always time to celebrate the self, to boost self-confidence and to be proud of the 'you' that you choose to put out in the world.

go on girls, be beautiful.


My Makeup Life as We Speak

Dear World,

So I'm sure you can tell that the posts are lacking, but I'm going to have to admit to you that it is mainly just because I haven't been wearing that much least not the same degree as usual. Like I've said many times, I always have my Smooth Operator tinted moisturizer from tarte cosmetics on hand, but recently I've just been throwing on some mascara and that's it. (Welcome to the end of the school year.)

However! My room mate, guy friend upstairs, and another friend of mine recently decided to go out and enjoy ourselves, and  I wore the Mac Russian Red Lipglass that I reviewed a while ago. I figured it was my only chance, so I decided to try it.

It. Is. Hot! I was really proud of how perfect and simple this red lip was, but I'm going to say this. Red lips are a lot of work. It is going to be an occasion few and far between that I wear this look, simply because I cannot cannot cannot stay on top of reapplying this stuff. If you eat dinner, of course it's going to wear off. I am too careless of a person to freak out constantly about what's on my face. Fortunately, I anticipated that. I reapplied it a few times in the evening, and by the time we went out for drinks and things, I took it off with the makeup remover and cotton balls I had in my bag! Wahoo!
Don't get me wrong though, those red lips are super sexy. But next time I'm not wearing them to dinner. :D

The rest of the time I've been wearing fairly nude colors, with a little bit of brown on the crease for definition. I recently purchased the NYX Cosmetics For Your Eyes Only Palette for Brown Eyes. The website cosmetic candy did some swatches, which I will post here.
At first I was disappointed in this palette because...let's be honest here...the colors are really boring except for the emerald green. However, I think this palette has grown on me and I will explain why. First of all, it is a nice compact place for all of your nudes and associated crease colors (The top four colors from left to right) Secondly, the deep burgundy-violet and emerald green are really really beautiful colors and I consider them a great acquisition. This palette is also well pigmented, which often is a hard thing to say when your purchase is such a ridiculously good price. I paid less than $10 for this palette, and I will probably have it for an eternity and a half. (In other news I really don't like the lavender/lilac color in the top right corner...we'll see what I can do with that)

All in all, I have two weeks left of school, and I will probably wear minimal makeup during that time. Expect to hear from me here and there until then, and then I promise this website will get an explosion of reviews.

Summer here we come!


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