sometimes i wonder if i should really be doing this--whether college life allows for time to spend on reviewing and enjoying the makeup products this world has to offer. here's the conclusion i came to: there is always time to celebrate the self, to boost self-confidence and to be proud of the 'you' that you choose to put out in the world.

go on girls, be beautiful.


As Spring Break Comes to a Close...My Makeup Life Right Now

Hi everyone! Spring break is coming to a close (I am crying a little bit inside), and I figured I would tell you where I stand with products that I've tried while I was home, and mention what's definitely coming back to school with me and what's not.

I have told you about my mascara issue. I tried out Covergirl Lashblast Length which they swore was just the better version of the Lashblast I was using before. I don't like it. At all. I get more length with regular Lashblast, and the execution is ridiculous. The wand is way too long and bends and I get it all over my face, which is not expected for someone who has been putting on mascara almost every day since middle school! I've been using Mac ProLash temporarily--I'm still on the hunt for that perfect mascara (I may never find it!). Until then, LashBlast length is staying at home...far away from my eyelashes.


Okay, another thing staying home is my dark nailpolish. It's not that I don't like it. Winter is over, folks, and it's time to bring out the colors! I'm tired of deep purples and reds and's time for lighter colors! I'm most interested in the periwinkles and peaches and light pinks of 2010! I'm also really into the nude matte nailpolish colors! Nailpolish of interest that I'm getting tomorrow: Hot&Spicy by O.P.I.
Beautiful persimmon! Really into it!

Colors coming back with me are golds and peaches and nudes--I bought a white maxi dress that I am very excited to wear--it will definitely go with those colors. I also got a bonus from Clinique with standards in it like makeup remover (although I love my Lancome one, Clinique definitely is a contender), and Dramatically Different Moisturizing Lotion (my mom is in her sixties and looks forty because she has been using that since she was thirty, my family swears by it), but it also has other cute little samples that I'll have to test for you. I'm still deciding on how I feel about the HIP shadow duo I purchased in "Gilded." I'll have to test out more looks before I get back to you.

I think it would be hot for going out...but wearing both colors would certainly not happen for during the day. As of what I have seen right now.

News: The Degree deodorant won the prize, although I am bringing both back to school.  Go buy it, I smell good, I am happy.

Still using the same face products, the same cleansing routine...going to miss my doggie terribly. Keep my warm and cozy inside, and give me new ideas. xo.

<3 kristie

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