sometimes i wonder if i should really be doing this--whether college life allows for time to spend on reviewing and enjoying the makeup products this world has to offer. here's the conclusion i came to: there is always time to celebrate the self, to boost self-confidence and to be proud of the 'you' that you choose to put out in the world.

go on girls, be beautiful.


Lancome Juicy Tube--Berry Bold

It is spring time, lovelies! Sorry it has been so long since I've written about something--midterms time does not allow for outside foolery. Or makeup, for that matter. It only allows bare skin and hormonal imbalances.

So of course I came back with something when I peeked into Sephora the one time I was allowed outside of my dorm room.

It is the Lancome Juicy Tube in Berry Bold! I haven't had a Juicy Tube in a long time, and I remember always enjoying Lancome products...and that was that. I wasn't planning on buying anything, but this Juicy Tube smells how I imagine heaven must smell. It is a mix of strawberries and watermelon--I want to kiss myself when I wear it. If only that were would be much easier.

It gives my lips a nice gloss without being too overwhelmingly pink. I just throw it in my bag for whenever. For example, I just got back from a physics exam. I felt a little bit like how a full garbage dump feels right after the test was over, but then I put the Juicy Tube on and I was immediately reminded that it is a beautiful pseudo-spring day and I have nothing to do the rest of the night. The smell is really that magical.

As usual, though, I don't like the stickiness of lipglosses. It's definitely not as thick and sticky as the Mac lipglasses, but it still feels a little heavy. As I've also said before, it's something I'm going to have to get used to--lipglosses that are too runny usually come off instantaneously. So, push come to shove, it is a pretty legitimate balance between the two. Yay! I love this color! Spring time is here!

The real question is why this tube costs $18. It is a lipgloss, and it is definitely not Mac and it doesn't have any sort of special ingredient (besides the drug that makes this smell) that should compel me to have it. I do have to say, I did purchase it though, and I'm pretty happy. But now I'm $20 down...I need food, too. Just saying.

Long story short: The yummiest smelling, nice standard light pink lip gloss. For a little bit too much.

I promise I'll get back to doing these. Once spring break arrives.

Good health through these trying midterm times,
kristie <3

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