sometimes i wonder if i should really be doing this--whether college life allows for time to spend on reviewing and enjoying the makeup products this world has to offer. here's the conclusion i came to: there is always time to celebrate the self, to boost self-confidence and to be proud of the 'you' that you choose to put out in the world.

go on girls, be beautiful.


It's Finally Here!!--Viva Glam Lipstick, Gaga Style!

Wow. Lady Gaga never fails to do something wild, yet somehow seductive at the same time. Mac describes this lipstick as a cool blue-pink. I wish the pictures I am taking would show it in a better light. I wore it out last night, and I got many compliments on the color! It's wild, but not ugly.  I can't explain it.

So, as I said, I wore this out last night, because I received it in the mail yesterday (haha can you tell I was excited?). I ordered it on eBay because I could not get it anywhere--as the saleswoman at the Mac by me said, "You won't find it anywhere--everybody loves Gaga!". First things first--the little tube is so cute. I am obsessed with Gaga to begin with, and having her autograph on my lipstick made me tingle a litte bit inside. Secondly, I noticed that the lipstick smells like a bakery! Seriously, it smells like sugar cookies. I cannot get enough of it. My mindset has been changing recently about lipsticks--I thought they were only for grandma's and my first grade teacher, but I am learning that I have been wrong!

This lipstick is "high lustre" and it really does come out very glossy, which is a cool feature. You don't need to put any gloss over it, although I thought it looked slammin' with Rags to Riches over it. Definitely enjoyed how unique I looked with it on along with some sultry brown/black eyes. It's a cute pop of color. Note: this lipstick is definitely layerable, if that is even a word. It can go on quite sheer, if that is your preference.

Something that bothers me about wearing a color on my lips--maybe I need to get a primer, but lipsticks always come off almost immediately. I took a few sips from a glass, and that was it. The reason that bothers me is because I end up using so much of the product just to keep my lips pink that I feel like I'm wasting it.

Note: I had a picture, but it looks ridiculous from when I tried it on this morning. I'm going to take another tonight and put it right here :)

Long story short: super wild and cute, very excited to find new looks to use this in.

<3 kristie

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