sometimes i wonder if i should really be doing this--whether college life allows for time to spend on reviewing and enjoying the makeup products this world has to offer. here's the conclusion i came to: there is always time to celebrate the self, to boost self-confidence and to be proud of the 'you' that you choose to put out in the world.

go on girls, be beautiful.


Bliss Steep Clean, pt. 1 of The Sample Series

I've done two in one day to get this puppy started. :)


So I got this sample pack from Sephora, I think it was. Maybe it wasn't...maybe it was from something I bought at Neiman's....regardless. This is the sample size of Bliss Steep Clean, professional strength facial mask for all skin types. You should all check out the Bliss website...just take a look around, get acquainted.

I've had some other Bliss products before--I love their Super Minty Soap n Scrub, and some of their Lemony Body Butters. So...I was definitely excited going into trying this. I often look longingly into the Bliss Spa when I pass it in New York City.

So when I first looked at this little sample, I ripped one from the other....whichhhh, after I read the directions, I found out I wasn't supposed to do. You take the yellow goo from one and mix it with the blue goo from the other, make a green goo, and put it on your face for 15 minutes. After you let it sit for 15 minutes, you wash it off with a warm washcloth. As usual ladies, avoid the eye area. It's delicate. And my crow's feet from smiling are bad enough already. I sat around for fifteen minutes. Looking like a green alien.

I must say, I have no shame with this photograph. So first things first--the downsides: I don't like the feeling of the gooeyness on my face, I will say that. It feels like you have permanently broken a sweat over your lip, and I can't be immobile for 15 minutes, I'm sorry.  It got in the little stray hairs that always manage to find their way onto the side of my face...yuck. I know that it was just a sample size, but even the sample size didn't have enough in it.

On a positive note, it smells really good, and what girl doesn't want to put on a facial mask every once in a while. Maybe for free time, but definitely not when Olympic Hockey and Physiology studying are both pending and very, very important. After I washed it off, my skin felt really great...there was no residual gooey yuckiness and it wasn't as dry as I expected it to be. The oil nastiness that tends to accumulate in the T-Zone, especially on my nose, is completely gone. COMPLETELY.  It does feel tighter, but not dry. I am pleasantly surprised. 

Another downside, however, is that the regular sized bottle is really freakin' expensive. Painfully expensive. I would definitely enjoy acquiring this a gift or something. I am never EVER going out of my way to buy it, simply because I'm not going to use it enough to be worth a week's paycheck, maybe even more. Bliss is a high end company, but I'd definitely need to start a career before I even thought about buying this.

Other products from Bliss are worth the money, I think, including the super minty soap n scrub and their hair remover kits. But for supple skin on the face, you can definitely look elsewhere.

Long story short: amazing product. for an arm and a leg.

<3 kisses,

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