sometimes i wonder if i should really be doing this--whether college life allows for time to spend on reviewing and enjoying the makeup products this world has to offer. here's the conclusion i came to: there is always time to celebrate the self, to boost self-confidence and to be proud of the 'you' that you choose to put out in the world.

go on girls, be beautiful.


Mac Haul :)

I have been waiting for a haul for a very, very, VERY LONG TIME. Every college student knows that money is kinddd of hard to come by--"gifts" from mom and dad are few and far between, and money doesn't just come through the door when you only work two days out of the week.

So, in light of all of that, I have been saving up some buckaroos and decided that the text message I got from the Mac at Nordstrom saying there was a buy 3 lipglosses and get 1 free was a sign from above saying: KRISTIE! NOW IS THE TIME FOR YOUR HAUL!

I am very excited to share what I got with you. I wish you could be here to enjoy the pile on my bed.
Included in my haul were (ahemmm...):

  • Mac 109 brush, a small contouring brush that seems to work well with...
  • Mac Margin, a frosty peach powder blush with a tinyy bit of gold, definitely much less gold than Orgasm from Nars (which should be a staple in your collection, I may add). I tried it on--it's beautiful on my skin. It has a little bit of bronze in it, so you look nice and healthy.
  • a lip pencil in brick, another staple in any collection--it's just a go-to red pencil. Excited for that.
  • two eyeliners, one in graphblack and the other in purple dash. They say that plums really bring out brown eyes--we'll see, I tried it on and everyone said it looked nice.
  • a liquidlast liquid liner in aqualine. Now this thing is absolutely crazy, but that's what I love about it. I came home and put it on immediately. As a top liner for a nude lid, it's the cutest pop of color. Absolutely loving it.

And for the lip glosses: (two dazzle glasses and two lip glasses)

  • Rags to Riches--kind of a mauvey-pink with teal and pearly shimmer in it. Very soft. Beautiful
  • Sugarrimmed--my favorite. Milky, neutral color with pink shimmer. Tried it on with bare lips at Mac, and I already know I'm going to wear it every day.
  • Viva Glam VI--this lipglass is much more mauve and has a deeper pink quality than rags to riches. Kind of a gold shimmer tone. Plus proceeds go to a good cause.
  • NOW FOR THE BIG ONE: Russian Red! Oh my GOODNESS, how to describe what this lipglass is like! Literally, you can wear this in lieu of red lipstick. It is so opaque and a perfect red--defintely a must-have! (Like a little black dress!) It was definitely the last one I chose, but the makeup artist at the Mac counter was like, "!!!! You must have this!" what did I do. It was my free lip gloss :)

Here's Mac Margin, in the worst light ever. Definitely not grandma's blush. ::shudder::

From top to bottom, left side to right side:
--Margin Powder Blush and three little samples
--Mac109 :D
--lip pencil in brick
--eyeliner in graphblack
--viva glam VI
--rags to riches
--eye pencil in purple dash
--aqualine liquidlast liquid liner

Expect many reviews to come your way, especially on the red liner and dazzleglass. If I can pull this off, a whole new world is going to be opened up to me.

<3 see you soon, kristie

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