sometimes i wonder if i should really be doing this--whether college life allows for time to spend on reviewing and enjoying the makeup products this world has to offer. here's the conclusion i came to: there is always time to celebrate the self, to boost self-confidence and to be proud of the 'you' that you choose to put out in the world.

go on girls, be beautiful.


Skin Routine :)


A lot of people ask me how I keep my skin the way it is. I'm going to admit, it's a little bit of genetics and a little bit of tender loving care. In terms of genetics, I suppose in many ways I just lucked out. A lot of time acne and blemishes and sensitivity comes from the simple fact that it's in your genes. Fortunately, I have none of that. But don't be fooled--I am still completely prone to pimples and unevenness, and my skin needs just as much care for the future as the next person's does.

The following are some skin care tips I have acquired:

1) Please, please, please moisturize before you hit the sheets, especially in the winter time. I moisturize with Olay prodcuts most of the time because they market moisturizers that are made for controlling fine lines around the eyes. If you've see me smile, you know I'm going to have to watch those crow's feet for life!

2) SUNBLOCK. I know it's hard for me to say because a tan is such a beautiful, healthy look. But I promise you, day by day the UV will accumulate and the wrinkles will begin to appear. The tinted moisturizer I use in lieu of foundation has SPF 20. Stay covered. Wear a hat. They're cute.

3) Speaking of moisturizing, any time you remove yourself from warm water, I expect you to moisturize. Exfoliate every once in a while, too. That's where the pimples come from. Dead skin tends to clog pores--you have to get rid of it. But remember to moisturize after! Dry skin is unhappy and prone to wrinkling!

4) Stay healthy overall--aka drink a lot of water and take vitamins. I have been so bad with the vitamins since I've been at school, but your skin needs nutrients just like the rest of your body does. I take Viactiv, which is a supplement for women (you have to start early, ladies, this is preventative!) It's super yummy. I am pinky swearing with you right now, when the stress levels get high and I don't drink water and take my vitamins, the pimples come out like it's their job. Throw in some crystal light if water is too boring for you. Or tea. Green tea is great.

Now, as for my routine, this is what I do in the mornings and evenings. It's literally five minutes:

1) If you cleansed and moisturized the night before, a splash of warm water on your face is all you need. Sometimes I use a Neutrogena scrub that is exfoliating. Maybe once a week? Something like that.

2) Tinted moisturizer. I use Tarte's Smooth Operator; I did a review on it before and mentioned that I use it every day. Smooth Operator is filled with all sorts of good nutrients for your skin, it supplements the supplements! Haha!

3) I use Coastal Scents Concealer Quad in my skin tone's colors--the quads come with four different colors, so feel free to mix and match. If I'm especially sleepy, I'll put a little bit of the white it comes with right on the tear duct of my eye. Brightens you right up.

4) If I want to set it, I use Coastal Scents loose powder, and just dust that ever so lightly. Usually I don't, but if i need to look extra uniform and matte, that's what I'll do.

5) If there is no time for anything else, I will run some mascara through my lashes. At this moment I'm using Lash Blast, but I have a feeling that that is going to change some time soon. I'm going to test other ones out. Curl them for a few seconds, and it opens your eyes right up.

At nighttime, you have to take all of your makeup off. ALL OF IT. Recently I bought Lancome Bi-Facil and it is definitely really good at removing eye makeup. And the bottle lasts forever.
Remember--moisturize before you really jump in bed--don't let the 12 hours you're in your bed ruin your beautiful complexion!

Lather, rinse, repeat :)

It seems like it's a lot, but your skin loves you, and you should love it back. Five minutes of care will definitely show.

<3 kristie

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